Thursday, May 14, 2009

Request for your prayers


Today my 91 year old father is having surgery. He's only been in the hospital one time before, living a healthy life due to good eating habits, a sense of humor, and a strong work ethic.  Today I'm writing my blog from the hospital waiting room, and I ask that if you're reading this blog that you send good wishes and prayers for my dad's successful surgery and speedy recovery.  He has a strong will to live, and my mom and I are sure he's going to continue living a zestful life.

On a continuous basis, I donate my time in service in a healing room at the Center of Spiritual Awareness in Sarasota, Florida.  I'm a Reiki Master and it's my honor to use the healing Reiki energy on others who are in need.  Today I'm using my Reiki on my dad, and other patients as well.  It's through service, and paying it forward to others who need it more, allows for the circle of prosperity to continue.  What you pay forward in service, through your time, talent, or financial donations, you will receive prosperity when you need it more.  My dad needs it now.

My dad has always taught me such great life lessons of family first, loyalty, and working hard for everything that you earn.  I learned my strong work ethic from my dad, who is one of the funniest people I have ever met.  The nurses are cracking up at him.  He told them that if he needs CPR, he'd like to have the current Miss California perform the CPR in her bathing suit.

Remember also that even if you don;t believe in prayer in the formal sense, your thoughts are a form of "prayer" or mantra.  Therefore, positive thoughts will get you to your perfect place faster than negative thoughts, and it takes less energy in doing so.


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