Thursday, March 11, 2010

Creative Expression


Tapping into Creative Expression

With all of the troubling news about the economy and rising gas prices, it is no wonder that people are looking to establish a more secure life. Feeling “at home” is having a sense of being grounded, centered, and peaceful. Feng Shui is a design science that focuses on creating a home that is organized, uncluttered and spacious. You automatically feel more in control of your life when your home is designed for comfort and easy living, with artwork and sentimental objects aesthetically placed to enjoy.

Once your home is in order, you have the time in your schedule to discover ways you can nurture your creative spirit. Your unique talent or skill set can be expressed in a variety of ways. You may lean towards arts and crafts, creative writing, or preparing culinary delights, just to name a few. Whatever stirs your soul and ignites your passion to fully express yourself will bring you joy. Just as you would encourage your children to learn and grow through a variety of activities and opportunities, adults must also make room in their day to allow for artistic and imaginative endeavors.

Use all of your senses as a navigational tool for creating your ideal living environment. Simultaneously, you’ll be increasing a positive flow of energy that encourages your playful side:

• Sense of Touch: Choose luxurious and gentle fabrics for your furniture, bedroom linens, and clothing. Not only do they feel soft against your skin; they instantly bring comfort and relaxation to a tired body. The support of the bedroom mattress, your office chair, or the sofa you curl up on to watch TV shouldn’t leave your back in distress. Over time, an uncomfortable position will lead to additional aggravation and pain that may require doctor’s care.

• Sense of Smell: The use of scents in your home can trigger fond memories and define what feels like “home” for you. This can be as simple as baking cookies or lighting a candle with your favorite fragrance. When cleaning, lean towards using products that avoid making the rooms smell sanitized. Instead, use natural products and pleasant scents, such as lemon or lavender. Growing fresh herbs in your kitchen can motivate you to cook a gourmet meal for your family or for a dinner party. Fresh flowers or any form of aromatherapy in your entry way brings a sense of delight to what may seem like a stale existence. If you’re in the market to sell a home, a pan of sugar and water sprinkled with cinnamon placed in a slow oven before an open house suggests to potential buyers that they are entering a warm and comfortable home.

• Sense of Taste: Sitting in a quiet environment for a meal, away from the TV is a first step to consciously enjoying our food. Preparing the food with fresh ingredients, herbs, and spices can make all the difference in the volume of food we eat to feel satisfied. Taste always influences our choices and habits, whether it is the toothpaste we use or the kind of snacks we eat. With each bite, pay attention to the flavor, texture, and the food’s aroma to help slow down the need to shove food into your body just to feel full and satisfied.

• Sense of Sight: The choice of colors, textures, shapes and architectural design elements of our home can inspire or tire our energy levels. Lighting is a mood booster, especially natural light. Pets also bring in good chi. You can feel loved just by a wagging tail on your beloved pet or feel instantly peaceful and memorized by exotic fish floating in a fish tank. Photos displayed through out the home can anchor fond memories of vacations, family visits, and far-away friends. A home that is joyful, organized, and uncluttered gives you the sensation that you have plenty of free time to pursue other interests.

In Sarasota, you can explore any of the following locations to calm your spirit, raise your creative instinct, and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and try something new:

The John Ringling Bridge: If you need to jump start your exercise program or just need a breath-taking view outdoors, take a walk over the Ringling Bridge. If you begin at Marina Jack’s restaurant where you can park your car, it is 4,700 walking steps to reach the end of the bridge and back. By adding 2,000 steps a day in your daily routine, you can lose one to two pounds in a year according to researchers at Colorado on the Move.

The Art Studio of Colleen Cassidy-Burns: Located at 4613 S. Tamiami Trail, Colleen is a well-known Sarasota artist and a skillful and inspiring teacher. If you want to explore your artistic potential, call Lisa Seaboyer, Artistic Director, at the Studio to inquire about watercolor classes, furniture painting, and other craft classes at (941) 924-1200. They also have a beautiful gift shop of Colleen’s artwork and one-of-a-kind gift ideas including jewelry, furniture, and collectibles for that special person in your life or to enhance your home in a unique way.

Ringling College of Art and Design: You do not have to be an aspiring interior designer to attend classes at Ringling College. Ringling offers a variety of classes open to the public through their Continuing Studies and Special Programs. They include botanical art and illustration, fine arts, art and healing, photography, Feng Shui and interior concepts. Sign up for a class that sparks your interest and see where it leads. The fall catalog will be out on August 15th, and you can view the class schedule on-line at Ringling is located at 2700 N. Tamiami Trail in Sarasota. You can call (941) 955-8866 or e-mail for more information at

Elysian Fields: This unique and luxurious store will delight all of your senses with their variety of books and gifts for conscious living. Select items from a variety of products including books, music, greeting cards, candles, aromatherapy, crystals and stones, intuitive readings, Feng Shui cures, and a variety of classes. Elysian Fields is located at 1273 Tamiami Trail South at Bahia Vista in the Midtown Plaza in Sarasota. Call (941) 361-3006 or visit for ideas to inspire your creativity.

The saying, “to go where you have never been, you must do what you what you have never done” can be your new mantra and voice of encouragement to get you out of any slump. Now is the time to live your best life!


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