Friday, January 16, 2009


With the Chinese New Year on Monday, January 26th, this is an excellent time to set your intentions for the year.  Start with two red envelopes. Why two? Because you're stronger in pairs. Write out your intentions (goals, aspirations, dreams) that are realistic and can be accomplished within the year. Place them in the envelopes.  You can put career objectives in one envelope and personal goals in the other.

Now place money in each envelope. Think big, as it's a shout out that you trust the process. The first time I put money in each envelope, I only put in $5, thinking that is all I could spare for a year.  Imagine that, only $10 total. Now I put $100 in each.  I trust that I can use this money for growth and prosperity.  Each year I let the money "ride" in the envelopes, and it continues to grow.  

There three steps remaining.  Place your red envelopes in the Wealth and Prosperity corner of your home.  As you face the front door of your home, the Wealth corner is in the back, left third of your home.  Second step is to keep a copy of your intentions and write out an action plan for each of the intentions.  What are the steps you must take to make the intention come true? If you're looking for a soulmate, what are you actively doing to meet your life partner?  Staying home every night in your home most likely won't get you to your dream.  The third and final step is to trust the process and let the intentions do their work.  Don't peak at your intentions in the envelopes until the following year.

If you find you're working on your action plan for a particular intention all year, you're following your natural urges and desires and you're gaining momentum and energy toward that goal. Like energy attracts like energy. If you find after a year that you've done nothing productive towards that intention or goal, it was probably not important in the grand scheme of things.

Good Luck and Good Prosperity,

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